Application Dev
Mobile App

We develop software in all “sauces”. We design and implement web and application solutions for mobile devices.
We realize software based on principal frameworks and programming language (in particular .NET and PHP) and on the principal databases (especially Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL). Our mission is to understand the client’s needs and to transform they into tailor-made solutions. Time-to-market is always considered an extremely important variable. So we try to divide the overall project into smaller modules to carry out them gradually in order to give to the client results that are tangible and verifiable in short time therefore more control of the project.
In fact we strongly believe in “agile” methods for application development in opposition to a project management based on the traditional concept of command-and-control.
In our approach, team, client and business must have the absolute prevalence on the other factors. The model is based on the repetition of sequential steps (system called “iteration”) of planning, requirement analysis, project, implementation, test and assessments that have an impact on some user requirements. The purpose is to value “incrementally” the progress and the compliance with the described requirements. Delivery and roll out are strongly subsidized. We develop APP in the Android and iOS environment because we are convinced that mobile is today a secure technological gateway for the capillary business development. We comply every need: from a lean “plug&play” develop of an app, to an event to more complex solutions with specific study of the UIX and a strong code writing.
The final result will always be the better solution at the right price.
«We develop software in all “sauces”. We design and implement web and application solutions for mobile devices»